Don’t shoot same silver bullet ad across all social media
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Social media is a buzzword in the Internet marketing community and all are rushing to encase it in their favor anyhow. In due course, often we miss the very important fundamentals of the social media optimization. Therefore, at present moment I have initiated a dialogue to correct such mistakes proselectedly.
We Need Social Presence
Today people seem addictive of social networking sites, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn in particular. Perhaps every hour, an average person is checking the social networking site and seek opinions of others on social media in each small to critical decision making process.
Therefore, inevitably we have to make the presence of our businesses on social media for our good prospects and future for long-term game. There are many ways to create our presence like direct participating through time investment, hire social media professionals independently, or spare someone in our staff to take of all as a part time job.
Shoot Same Silver Bullet Ads
However, most of us would like to shoot some good ads on these social networking sites and think that we have enough exposure to grab a big audience. What do we do? We create a few ads with eye candy graphics and some cloying words written by a copywriter at a premium price and shoot these silver bullet ads on all social networking sites same time without any modifications.
What do you think? Have you done enough? No, I say fundamentally not at all. Because there are altogether, different audiences residing on them, and have different purposes behind the creation of all these giant social media. Therefore, at first hand you should have enough knowledge of their audiences and then create ads of content for those social media and disseminate across them respectively. People want something unique that is not available on other platforms and you should have innovative ideas and approaches for each of the social media networking sites.
Let’s see what are the characteristics of those social networking sites and their audiences respectively.
The biggest-ever social networking site in present era, and is ready to help businesses through innovative ways. For instant, recently FB has opened up the real estate of newsfeed to the advertisers so you have enough scope to make place for your message with full-length texts and images.
The ultimate benefits of such ad are that if you careful craft the ad you have greater chances to make it viral so other people will like and share. Thus, you will have free advertisement across the vast audience, which really like your content and consume willingly. Before these, sidebar ads had lower chances to draw good traffic to you and your business.
Here all arsenals will differ and you have to rely on the short, funny, and contextual content to deliver your message effectively to its vast audience, which is checking their tweets every five to ten minutes on their smartphones. You would have only 140 characters to make hilarious, sensitive or touching and anger-inducing or provocative content. Perhaps this the most challenging task, isn’t it?
Shooting same tweets frequently is a sin here so you have to constantly try to make unique tweets at a regular interval and play with the emotion of the people smartly each time.
Invariably this one is the pure professional network existing ever on the web. Here advertising for B2B business is considered a legitimate way to achieve a definite success. Now, your content need to be focused on the B2B clients, irrespective of Facebook and Twitter, which are for B2C. You will have vast audience of different sorts of people such as sales people, recruiters, services providers, and business owners on this platform and they all try to convince others to buy or subscribe their products or services.
In short, on LinkedIn you will find people with aims to make some fortunes therefore, provoking stories in natural and newsworthy tone make big differences for you and your business.